Database query failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'finale J AND (topic_date < '2024-12-03' OR (topic_date = '2024-12-03' AND topic' at line 1

Last SQL query: SELECT * FROM topics a INNER JOIN topics_types at ON a.topic__topic_type_id = at.topic_type_id WHERE topic_author_id = Phase finale J AND (topic_date < '2024-12-03' OR (topic_date = '2024-12-03' AND topic_hour <= '19:34:55')) AND topic_active = 1 AND topic_statut = 1 AND topic_id > 0 ORDER BY topic_date DESC, topic_hour DESC LIMIT 10 OFFSET 2890